Outfit Suggestions for Women Over 50

Coming up with new outfit ideas can be a bit of a drag as you get older, with fewer and fewer options for clothing designed with you in mind. Even then, sometimes brands take things a little far and choose out styles that make you feel like you’re dressing for a business trip no matter the occasion. 

The reality is that being over 50 doesn’t mean you have to be precluded from enjoying the best and brightest clothing on offer. After all, it’s not like you’re not supposed to have some fun anymore! If anything, dressing for when you’re over 50 is all about embracing the fact that you’re just as timeless as the styles we all come to rely on. 

So, today’s blog is all about helping you figure out the best outfit ideas for when you’re over 50. If you’re stuck on wardrobe ideas, or you're looking to freshen up your staples, then keep reading below!


Burgundy Popcorn Cardigan

Starting with a classic, the cardigan is the ultimate “go-to” piece of clothing for anyone over 50. Heck, we love cardigans so much that we’d recommend them for any age! 

However, when you’re over the age of 50, the aim is to look sophisticated and assured in your look. Timeless pieces are the key here, and there’s nothing more timeless than a cardigan. 

Cardigans come in all shapes and sizes, giving you a vast range of choices to complete any outfit, no matter the season! 

Animal Print

Leopard Latte Cardigan

While it may sound a little crazy, the reality is that there’s nothing loony about using animal prints in your 50s. Animal prints add a little drama to every outfit but combine well with neutrals and darker colored garments at the same time. 

So, sprinkle in a little animal print int your wardrobe with a simple top or a pair of trendy leopard-print sneakers, and you’ll always look modern and on-trend. 


Caspian - Vintage Wash Skinnies

As you get older, it becomes harder to define a figure that makes leggings or skinnies look ideal. However, it can be a great idea to lean into that aspect of your wardrobe. 

Straight-cut jeans are perfect for lending your body some added shape without making you look “blocky” at the same time. Simply combine with a few casual favorites and a pair of sandals or low-rise sneakers to get a fresh look that’s perfect for spring, summer, and autumn seasons. 


Be My Guest Sweater

Much like cardigans, sweaters are timeless additions to any wardrobe that can make anyone look good. However, when you’re over 50, sweaters begin to shine like never before. 

Sweaters provide the ultimate blend of sophistication and casual-chic to your outfits. They can be bought in a wide variety of colors and patterns to ensure you’re always immaculately dressed. Even better, sweaters work with just about any other clothing item you can think of! 


Flaming Star Purse

Finally, when you’re over 50, it’s time to start celebrating your body like never before. While your wardrobe can do a lot to make you look and feel fabulous, accessories are where you can make your features shine. 

Bracelets, necklaces, and even handbags make perfect additions to your wardrobe and introduce new textures to your ensemble that make your outfits even more fun to wear and look at. 

That’s it for today’s blog! Check out our blogs for more tips and tricks for wearing your favorite clothing items. Until then, we’ll see you in the next blog! 
