10 Ways to Style Your Basic Shirt

Teagan Top

The humble, basic tee or top is the workhorse of the wardrobe. You can wear one casual event, lunch dates, parties, and even just around the house.

Basic tees are that friend who never lets you down and always does exactly what they say they will. For that reason alone, we love them. However, the magic of the basic top isn’t so much in its simplicity but its versatility as well. There are numerous ways to style your top to take it to a different level of style, creating a look that can suit just about anything else your wardrobe has on offer. 

So, with that in mind, today’s fashion blog is going to break down some of the best ways that you can style your basic tee and turn that old, reliable friend into a fashion star in no time! 

Read on! 

With Outwear

Come See About Me Leopard Jacket

Basic tops and tees are ideal as layering tools for your outfit. They cover the midsection and provide a practical base for adding more adventurous layers over the top. The fun part is that most basic tops go with just about any piece of outerwear, making most combinations successful as is!

Try contrasting your solid color top with a visually striking piece of outerwear, such as a leopard print or heavy-patterned piece. 

With Jeggings

Forget about diamonds; jeggings are a girl's best friend! Jeggings slim down your silhouette and provide the same visual cues as a pair of skinny jeans, but without making you feel like you are suffocating under buttoned denim. 

Combine with a basic tee or top to get the perfect casual look. Better yet, throw in a pair of sunglasses, and you’ll always be a cool customer. 

With Maxi Skirts

High Fashion Maxi Skirt

Maxi’s are always in style, no matter the season, and can make you instantly look on-trend. They work fantastically with basic tops as well, with both items providing a bold base to layer accessories and outwear on without ever feeling like you’re encumbering yourself. 

With Shorts

Don't Bring Me Down Leopard Shorts

Like maxi skirts, shorts offer a great starting point to launch the rest of your outfit from, especially when combined with a basic tee or top. However, it’s worth considering a more adventurous pattern rather than something simple. It’ll liven up your outfit while playing to the strengths of your basic top even more. 

With Vests

If you’re want to style your long sleeve basic tops, then look no further than a timeless vest. Vests allow you to throw some fun and complexity over your basic top's simple colors and shapes while avoiding the pitfalls of more substantial clothing layers. 

With A Kimono

Spring Flowers Kimono

Kimonos allow a lot of the same benefits as a vest and provide a light, airy layer of bright colors and textures without making your outfit feel overly done. 

With Fun Sneakers

If you want to keep things simple but still try and find a little bit of space to go all out, then look to your feet. A fun pair of sneakers can be a great addition to a plain outfit and, when styled with a basic tee, can give your ensemble an extra jolt of whimsy. 

With Accessories

Simple additions are always the best, and styling your basic top can be as simple as using an eye-catching necklace to provide a centerpiece to your ensemble. 

With Bags

Inspired Vibes Classic Purse Tote

Basic tops can give you many opportunities to express yourself with more adventurous additions to your wardrobe. A classic purse tote can be a great way to elevate a basic top or tee while also keeping your new addition centerstage. 

With a Purse

Flaming Star Purse

Just like a bag, a purse can be a fantastic contrast to a tee that elevates both pieces when combined into a single outfit. Keep things light and fun with a neat pattern or complex design. 

That’s it for today’s blog! Check out our blogs for more tips and tricks for wearing your favorite clothing items. Until then, we’ll see you in the next blog! 
